Monday, October 31, 2011

A Concerto...

By Emmett. Seriously, this toy was the best investment!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

I can't get enough...

of Emmett's smile! Our little man is just so much fun. He is more and more aware of his surroundings and is now able to interact with us, which has been awesome. Yesterday after lunch I snapped this shot of him "sitting" on the couch:

I also love fall, and especially the start of the holiday season with the approach of Halloween. This year we decided to carve a pumpkin. Here is Emmett's first pumpkin-carving (okay gutting, since we haven't actually finished the carving part yet):

The dogs had a good time too, though we did have to banish them from the room, because they (not to my surprise) tried to eat the entire pile of pumpkin.

I was hoping to get a picture of Emmett inside the pumpkin, but unfortunately one side is too flat, so there isn't much room inside. I did manage to get this instead, before he toppled over (poor boy tried so hard to be cooperative):

Happy Halloween!