Thursday, June 23, 2011

It must be monsoon season...

While it wasn't my intention for this blog to become my own personal pity party, I can't help but be amazed by how much stuff has come tumbling down on top of us these past few weeks! I'm hoping that we've run out of catastrophes and can just enjoy some peace now and when the baby's born. After our little water fiasco I thought we'd be pretty safe for awhile.

My sister called me a couple of weeks ago with news that our biological father had committed suicide. It was mind boggling and to be honest a bit confusing as well as weird. My relationship with him has been pretty much non-existent since high school, so I have to admit that I didn't feel a profound sense of personal loss. I felt sad that his life had gotten to that point, where he felt like that was his best or only option. We attended his funeral, which was little more than a graveside service, and featured an awkward reunion with some other long-estranged family members, but I guess it's probably a good thing that we went. He was, after all, our biological father.

My computer died too. Literally. It eliminated an entire week's worth of work on a project due at the end of this month, a project which will be my only source of income for the month and on which I have been working very long, hard hours. I'm now behind, and admittedly very fond of procrastinating, because I'm so ready for the project to be over. I couldn't really afford a new computer, but obviously I had to invest in one because I have to have it in order to work! (How's that for a catch-22?) The upside is that I got a fun new toy out of the deal, and my old computer has been struggling for quite some time anyway.

Also on the upside, our little man should be making his debut in the next six weeks! I would like to say that the time has flown by, but honestly I feel like I have been pregnant forever. I will be full-term in three weeks, and then three weeks after that is his "official" due date. I'm sure it'll be here in no time! Here's a picture my mom snapped about two weeks ago (thanks for waiting until I had no makeup on, mom):

And here's what our little guy looked like (according to the 3D ultrasound) about a month ago:

At least one of us is cute! While it's hard to determine from this ultrasound (they tend to make them look all squishy), I think he is going to have his daddy's nose. :)