I used to be much craftier than I am now, and unfortunately I feel like most of the crafts I attempt look very amateur. Still, with Emmett's birthday party approaching fast, I wanted to try out a couple of things.
First, I made this banner for his high chair:
I think it turned out well enough, though it's not as cute as some I've seen on Etsy or Pinterest. How DO those people do it? My second project was less of a craft than a digital project. THOSE I'm a bit better at. I printed this out in 8x10 and am going to frame it to display it at his party.
I have to give Emmett most of the credit for this one. Without his cuteness it wouldn't have been possible. This was a Pinterest idea. I think it would be awesome to do this for Emmett (and future children) each year on their birthday and keep them all in a notebook.
I also considered doing a birthday time capsule and was trying to create a book so that people could write notes to him to put inside the capsule. I'm not sure if that's going to be finished in time. Oh well. I like the idea, but if I don't get it finished, I'm not going to stress over it.
This month and August are turning out to be quite busy. We will be leaving for Atlanta for my sister's wedding in just over two weeks. Before than I have Emmett's birthday party and a baby shower to attend and after that I'm hosting a baby shower. It seems hectic, but it's really okay, because it keeps life interesting. Maybe we'll be able to take a break in September? (Then again, maybe not.)
The banner is darling! Can he really be nearing his first birthday!! Wow! Can't wait to see what festivities you put together to celebrate the big day!