Friday, December 2, 2011

Holy Wind!

Well, we had a water disaster earlier in the year, and I guess wind felt a bit left out. Yesterday was one of the worst windstorms in 13 years here in Utah. Winds topped 102 miles in Davis County. The freeway was closed and commutes were a mess, even on back roads, because of flying debris. We woke up to no power, and it was getting pretty chilly in our house! They were warning people that it could take up to 48 hours to restore power to all residents, and we were preparing ourselves for a stay at my parents' house. We spent the day there, and then came back at 5 pm to grab some stuff. Just as we were preparing to leave, the lights came back on. Thank goodness!

 I was a bit worried that there would be some damage to our fence. My dad's dog did, after all, run right through it. Oh well, a few missing planks are fixable, right? We've done it before. Well here is what we got:

I officially declare this $6,000 fence dead, after only 3 years. The dogs are currently refugees at my parents' house until we can get a new fence, and we're desperately hoping the home owner's insurance will help us out with it. They will, fortunately pay to fix our roof, which is now missing about one-third of its shingles.

I wonder if they will pay for this as well:

Yep. That's right. The wind rattled the car port so hard that the ceiling fell on my car. Luckily my car is sturdy (and apparently protected by the ghost of my grandmother - but that's a creepy story for another time) and had only a few minor scratches.

Our neighbors didn't fare much better. In fact, the entire neighborhood was pretty much re-decorated. Here's my neighbors yard. That USED to be a huge pine tree around the corner...

That piece of siding, so thankfully not on my side of the house, ended up in our yard, and I have no idea where that chunk of fence went. BUT...let's end on a happier note. Emmett is 4 months old! PEEK-A-BOO!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, that is unreal! First, I am so glad you guys are ok! Second, I am so sorry to see all of this terrible destruction! What a mess! And that big smile is a happy note, he could not be sweeter!
