Emmett is two months old now and growing cuter by the minute! He discovers new things every day, and it is so much fun to watch. He can now track people, objects (and Shena, whom he seems fascinated with) with his eyes, and he is smiling more and more often. Sometimes he even "laughs" by letting out a small squeal while he smiles.
Unfortunately he is NOT sleeping through the night yet, and I spent the last night or two on the couch trying to give Josh a chance to sleep. Emmett sleeps better in his swing, you see, a
habit which we are desperately trying to break so that we can eventually move him into his own room. He's starting to get too big for the cradle! What he really wants is to be held while he sleeps - and while we love to cuddle with him, occasionally we'd love some sleep ourselves!

I am finding that I quite enjoy the idea of being a stay at home mom, despite the ridiculous financial issues that might arise from that decision. No doubt about it, taking care of a baby has proven to be exhausting, but I'm very excited to keep working and playing with him! It has been quite an adjustment, viewing myself as a stay at home mom, but this is what I know is best for us. As for my writing, I keep hoping that I'll be able to do enough to contribute financially, but work has been scarce for me, and most of my time has been taken up by Emmett anyway. I'm very happy to have been cleared by my doctor to workout again. It was nice getting back to karate, but boy am I out of shape! Wow...I feel like I'm back at a purple belt level or something!
The other major change is happening in Josh's job. He has accepted a job with Deseret Book for the time being, since the Distribution Center is closing in October. We are a little bit bummed about it, as he has had to accept a two dollar pay cut, but at least he will have a job to step into when his current one ends. He hasn't been as successful as we'd hoped at finding another job. Hopefully all will work out for the best. It's a little bit exciting, because he's been working at the Distribution Center since he got home from his mission, and this will be a different experience for him. Otherwise he's still in school, working away at those classes. We are hoping that he will be able to get a great business internship soon, but he's still in the process of applying so that could be awhile.
Of course life has changed for the dogs as well, with the arrival of the new baby. I feel bad, because they definitely don't get the attention they used to. I'm certain that once we get into more of a routine we'll be able to squeeze more walks and trips to the dog park back in. Shena is in definite need of some more vigorous exercise, and Toby is...well...he's just Toby. What can I say? His winter coat is already coming in and, as usual, it's still hot so he's shedding it. Suffice it to say there is fur everywhere.
And that's that...our little life in a nutshell! Stay tuned for future fascinating updates...(or more rambling, whichever comes first)...