Finally! This is the moment we've all been waiting for. Well, it's a moment that I've been waiting for for quite some time now. We have a new back door! That's right! No more lifting up a giant slab of glass and metal just to access the backyard. No more ugly, old, and warped frame. Though this new door cost us a bit more than we wanted to spend, we are sure glad to have it. The installer came yesterday. I was able to watch the demo on the old door, which was a lot of fun! (Although Toby was a bit nervous about a stranger coming and destroying our house!) I didn't get to stay to see the final product, however...because I had to go to work! It was like having a bunch of Christmas presents you aren't allowed to open. I think work was longer than ever. Josh even covered my eyes while he walked me toward the kitchen so that I couldn't see until he "unveiled" it. And I am so happy with the results! And now for the unveiling...
We'll start with a "before" picture of the old door...
And then...(drumroll please!)...TA DA!
Both sides actually do open wide, but for the pictures I only opened one door. Isn't it beautiful?!
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That looks great! Finally your doors! Looks like a fantastic little home improvement!