Sunday, September 12, 2010

Free Tickets

"Early" (not really) yesterday morning, Josh and received a call from VanLeer regarding extra Lagoon Day tickets. Neither of us has been to Lagoon in awhile (read "since Jr. High") so we decided it could be a fun little evening outing. I think evening is just the way to go. It's cooler, and you only spend a few hours there so you aren't completely dead by the time you're ready to go home. Unfortunately my stomach was feeling extra weak last night, so I didn't get to enjoy too many rides, but I did enjoy the ones we went on (mostly...)! Here are some pictures:

We stopped by pioneer village for some ice cream...

This is us in the place with the old printing stuff...which you can't see because we take up the whole picture. Oh well!

Josh is excited for the Rocket...

Me...not so much...

My nerves and my stomach may still be stuck at the top somewhere. A Halloween tradition of ours is to go to the haunted house, so of course we stopped at both of Lagoon's while we were there. They even had a pimped out hearse...

Complete with skeletal driver...

Creepy? Morbid? We think so, but with Halloween lurking around the corner is has its own certain sense of character and humor. The license plate even read "Lst Ride."

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