Monday, July 12, 2010

Summer Fun - Holidays and Lakes Hooray!

Prepare for picture overload, since I haven't written in awhile and we have had some fun since then! First was the 4th of July. The actual 4th was on Sunday, and we had Monday off. I love the way that worked, because we essentially celebrated for 3 days straight! First was the family party on Saturday. Everyone brought a new recipe to try and we had TONS of food! And it was all very yummy! Then of course came the fireworks, which were beautiful this year. On Monday we celebrated with Josh's family by going to dinner at Texas Roadhouse. Yum! Sorry, I don't have pictures available on this computer, but you can link to "Our Days" to see some pictures from the party at my parents house. Maybe I'll post some of my own later on!

This Saturday we went up to Bear Lake with Josh's family. It's always such a fun trip! This year the lake was very full, and we had to wade through this to get to a small patch of beach...
And I do mean tiny. Our little island was about as wide as Josh's reach. At least there was beach to be found! It was fun having water surround us on all sides. This year Zelan was old enough to splash around. She is adorable! Here she is, followed by a few pictures of us goofing off on the beach.

We got to play on a wave runner. Those are lots of fun, but Josh always tries to make me scream on purpose. His sister Meagan took these next few pictures. Thanks Meg!

Josh looks great on the wakeboard...

And me...

Well I try...

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