Saturday, March 31, 2012

March in Review

This has been a very busy/productive month. I'll start with a review of my reading challenge. My goal was to read one book a month, but I am happy to say that I knocked three books off of my list within the first two weeks of March. I guess it is a good thing too, since the second two weeks left no time at all for reading! I'll start with my book reviews.

#1 - The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Wow, wow wow! Occasionally I will find a book that pulls me in so deep that when I put the book down (either for a break or after finishing it), I still feel really detached from reality. I call it a reading hangover, and for me it's the sign of a great book. This was definitely one of those books. I don't usually enjoy distopias, but I would definitely recommend this book to anyone and everyone. Fantastic!

#2 - Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

This is the second book in the Hunger Games Trilogy, and it's hard for me to say which I liked better, this one or the first. These books are uber-emotional and captivating. This one built off of the first one in a very dramatic way that, in some places, actually blew my mind. Let me tell you this, the next book I am about to review is NOT the third book in the trilogy, and I am going crazy wanting to read it. Alas, I have to wait until payday...

#3 - Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks

Nicholas Sparks became one of my favorite authors when I read Dear John. I have to say that Safe Haven is now one of my favorite works of his. It is in the top three for sure, along with The Lucky One and The Last Song. Like the first two books in the Hunger Games Trilogy, I could not put this book down. It also gave me a reading hangover. The story is captivating and the characters are very realistic. This is one book that I would read a second time from an author's point of view, to study craft. When Spark's switches to the husband's point of view, the change in style is so dramatic that the reader can't help feeling like part of the chaos that is part of this character's mind. There is also a twist at the end that I did not see coming. GREAT read! I'd recommend it to anyone who likes a bit of romance mixed with drama.

As you can see, March was a great month for books. Each of those is now considered a favorite of mine! I'm hoping that next month's book review will feature Mocking Jay, the last book in the Hunger Games Trilogy. In the meantime, my sister came up from Atlanta to go wedding dress shopping, and while she was here we got her bridal pictures taken. Amazing huh? She found a gorgeous dress, the sample was new and fit her perfectly (literally no alterations needed), and the store sold her the sample because a new one could not be ordered before August. Jan, the photographer that did my wedding (Shoootz Photography = Awesome) was able to get her bridals done a few days later. 

I WISH I could post pictures, but alas, since there is a chance that Alan could stumble across them on this blog, it is forbidden. He is a very traditional Southern boy, and very superstitious. Suffice it to say, she was gorgeous, but I'll have to wait on pictures until after the August...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Well, Today Was the Day

Emmett got his helmet this morning. We have been nervous about this day because we weren't really sure what to expect. I know this is for the best, but I felt really mean, sticking him in a helmet for 3 to 4 months! Thankfully, he doesn't seem to mind it all, and it hasn't diminished his cuteness.
He didn't mind it being put on at all. I think he got mildly irritated and grunted at the man one. I was so glad, since a child before us screamed and screamed...and screamed some more. He's had it on for a few hours now and is still rolling and kicking, happy as can be. I'll admit that I'm still a bit nervous about this helmet, if only because he headbutts me on a regular basis. Ouch!

In other news, Josh got a new job! I'm very proud of him, and we're excited to take this step forward. He will have to finish school at night or online because the job is a full-time job, but it represents a significant pay raise for us, which couldn't be more welcome right now. Way to go Josh!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Living Planet Aquarium

On Saturday we decided to take a break from our normal routine, so we (meaning my little family, my parents, and three of my cousins) drove down to Sandy to visit the Living Planet Aquarium. I'm ashamed to say this is the first time I've been there, though it's been around for quite awhile now. It was very much worth the trip! We had a blast. Here are some pictures:
Emmett riding the giant frog.
 The group picture
 Row, row row your boat, gently down the stream!
 Emperor penguins are very large.
 Emmett really loved this spotted sting ray.
 Of course my husband couldn't resist the urge to try on this hat.
 Ailene and the frog
 Playing in the boat with Grandma

And here is one that is not related to the aquarium, but I wanted to post it just for giggles.

I can totally feed myself, mom!

(Note to self: Don't let the baby reach the baby food.)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Tag You're It

Well, technically I'm it, since I was tagged. (To be honest I have NO clue who to tag next, but I will at least answer the questions!)

1. What Are My Colors?
Well my favorite color is blue, so I tend to buy a lot of things that are blue. I've also been into purple lately though.

2. Who was the last person I called, and why?
It was my mom, yesterday. We were going to the aquarium and I was calling to see if they were on their way.

3. What is the first picture on your camera roll on your phone?

My pups, ready to go camping. They carry their own gear. :)

4. Instagram or Facebook?
Facebook. I've never even been on Instagram. To be honest I have a bit of an addiction to Facebook and I need to break the habit. I haven't been on Farmville in months though...does that count?

5. Beverage of Choice?
Milk. Is that lame? I could drink milk with everything. Although I have to say I could probably do the same with Winger's blackberry lemonade. Yum.

6. With a cup of soup do I order a half a sandwich or salad?
I'm more likely to take the salad and the sandwich. Except on rare occasions, I'm really not a fan of soup. But if I had to have the soup, then I would probably take the sandwich with it.

7. What is your favorite road trip music?
It varies from country, to rock, to movie scores, to musicals....the only thing I wouldn't really listen to on a road trip (or ever, really) is hip-hop/rap or music that screams at me.

8. What is your go-to candy?
I love gummy bears or gummy worms and red vines. Sadly, I could eat these is very very large quantities...all in one sitting.

9. Am I a flip-flop or sandal kind of person?
Sandal. I hate flip-flops because I can't stand the strap between my toes. *shudder*

10. What is my favorite thing to do to exercise?
Karate. I really love Yoga too. I'm not very good at making myself exercise just to exercise. I do better if it's included in an activity.

11. Why did I start a blog?
I started my first blog because I just wanted a place to write down my random thoughts, and it was a good excuse to practice writing. I essentially abandoned that blog when I started this one, however, which is meant more to be a journal for our little family. I try to update it frequently, but in the past I haven't done a good job of that. It was one of my New Year's resolutions to blog more often.